Covering the whole working day, this is set in the summer of 1964, by which time steam had been eliminated from Cornwall and all loco-hauled traffic was in the hands of diesel hydraulics. Your control area covers first couple of miles of the ex-GWR main line from Penzance as far as Marazion – just two screens, but still quite enough when it gets busy. You can choose between increasing difficulty levels, also a choice of Sunday, weekday or Saturday schedules. There is still a fair bit of local and through goods traffic, and substantial daily through passenger traffic, particularly on Saturdays. Keeping the traffic moving is not easy on ordinary days, but becomes close to impossible on a Summer Saturday with holiday extras, especially if at harder levels you find yourself dealing with heavy delays to arriving trains due to congestion east of Plymouth. You have control of the much-reduced shed at Penzance, and have to ensure engines and units receive fuel as necessary.
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