In this simulation you control all traffic in the Perth area, from Bridge of Earn and Hilton Junction in the south to Stanley Junction in the north. This area was covered by twelve manual signal boxes on the main line, plus Bridge of Earn, and Orchardbank and Barnhill on the Dundee line. The simulation is set before nationalisation had brought much in the way of changes, though Perth had a batch of standard Class 5 4-6-0s. Most services in the area continued largely as they had done for decades past. There were still several goods yards for local traffic. Traffic was marshalled mainly at the North and South yards, but some shunting will also be required at Middle Yard, Coal Yard and in the sidings and Wagon Works at St Leonards Bridge Junction. To accommodate this, a new feature is that much of the return traffic has a specified route, but it is left to you to allocvate it to a suitable departure, and when necessary to trip it to the appropriate yard. The shunting of both goods and passenger traffic will keep you very busy at times. Very few passenger trains to or from the Highland line to Inverness avoid some remarshalling, and there is parcels traffic on all lines. The nature of the traffic changes somewhat on a Saturday, with extras mainly to Aberdeen and the coast, and less goods traffic during the day. Sunday is rather quieter. This simulation has eleven track screens.
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